Ahad, 24 Mei 2009

satu petang di kedai kopi

ok this is what happened yesterday.we had to go to shah alam for our robes for our degree convocation this thursday.it was an easy process compared to the last time we did for diploma convocation.yep first time will always be the toughest time.so it actually took us less than an hour.didn't join the rehearsal [konon dah experienced haha] we just hang around outside the hall and chit-chating *almost 5 months tak jumpa.there's seas of updates haha*

and this is the place where we hung out for tea *and lunch and breakfast* at about 4 p.m+
dulu lepas habis study aku selalu rasa bosannya tak jumpa kawan-kawan macam masa belajar.but now i think it has some good since bila kami bawa haluan masing-masing,deal with our own lives alone and berjumpa sekali sekala,we'll have tonnes of interesting things to talk about.cakap tak boleh habis.i love last night.go flirting around with the girls at alamanda yang dah sangat lama tak dilakukan,aku,pear&a'an made a very prompt decision to eat at rasamas *the place where not any of us has tried before* disebabkan it was late and semua kedai makan dah tutup or even tak tutup pun hanya ada limited menus.catched a movie [x-men origins:wolverine] at 11 and straight away went back to pearuz's place.the conversation never stop until we dozzed off at about 3 in the morning.
kesimpulannya.it was a good day.saye hepi ^_^ and looking forward for thursday.

4 ulasan:

Unknown berkata...

dh nk convo..congratez scott!!

SalizaKadir berkata...

tengkiu2 ^_^
sila bagi bunga

zahidah berkata...

huish...da lama xdrop off kat cni.
hmm..da konvo dah kamu?

hmm..nak jumpe kamu semua jugak la. :(

SalizaKadir berkata...

wawawa tu la jade..kalau kamu ade mesti lagi happening ~_~

bile nak deting?